White Grape Indica | Waterstone
White Grape indica from Waterstone is a purple tinged indica with a nice calming buzz.
White Grape Indica
Strain of the Week, White Grape Indica
How Is White Grape indica?
The strain tastes great and delivers a mellow headspace but not too sleepy. You don’t see white grape indicas every day so it is worth a try.
In Addition To White Grape Indica From Waterstone
Monthly Special
Daily Discounts for 5/14 through 5/21 Save 15% on these featured items:
Green Bluff Greenhouse
Bringing back the legendary strains that first defined quality cannabis, Green Bluff Greenhouse deserves special recognition. The labor intensive effort breeding back the original relies on research and science, but also on history and lore.
The effort reminds me of those trying to brew classic beers from hundreds of years ago. The art of getting it right also relies deeply on the labor of love.
Classic Sativa
Anyone old enough to know strains like Columbian Gold, Acapulco Gold, and Panama Red can tell you. The Golden Era of cannabis inspired those young rebel growers. These were the seeds those daring outlaws of marijuana braved border crossing with.
They risked huge sentences and even loss of life.
These landrace strains literally provided the genetic blueprint for everything to follow. For making the effort to preserve these classic strains, we thank Green Bluff Greenhouse!
Green Bluff Greenhouse
Specializing in landrace sativas like Red Congolese, Green Bluff Greenhouse come in wonderfully unique jars. They exemplify small batch boutique cultivators.
All their strains marked down 20% all month long!