Cannabis Reviews

Rogue Raven Dabs Sale

Rogue Raven Farms concentrates on sale this week.

Rogue Raven Dabs will be 15% off

Our fellow Rabbits here know at least a little bit about Rogue Raven, from having amazing flower on hand, to their concentrates and cartridges. Today during Caterpillars concentrates day we have on special Rogue Raven’s Concentrates, dabs, and cartridges!

The Best Of Rogue Raven Dabs

Get ready for dabs of all feathers with Rogue Raven’s G’s with some of your favorite strains like Charlie Sheen; a crazy indica dominate that will rock your socks off! Ewok and GG#4 are coming in store as well.

Holidays Are Perfect For Rogue Raven Dabs

Its the holiday season, the time to treat others, but this budtender believes in treating one’s- self as well! What better way than to pick up a gram of Rogue Raven Reserve Diamonds? Their Lambsbread is super happy and head heavy.

Rogue Raven Dabs From Sativa Strains

Sativa lovers I highly recommend giving this one a try while we have it in, a 100% Sativa ready to get you through the day. We also have their Pineapple Chunk and more! I haven’t even gotten to the cartridges yet! If you like quality product, hands down give Rogue Raven your attention and come in this Sunday to get a great deal on some of our best product.

Paraphernalia Sale

Today I’m going talk about something that helps me when I think I’m dankruped, when those sad dabless moments seem near and unavoidable. My fellow dabbers and rig users, today I bring to you the Reclaim Catch! This nifty little guy sits just between your rig and your bannger, nestling it like a hug and holding it over a silicone dab puck! That’s right my green loving friends, no more wasting your reclaim when you bring home this glass accessory! Reclaim is completely safe to use, as long as there is no water mixed in. This reclaim catch makes a safe space for your reclaim to collect, for any of the many reasons one might need to use their reclaim. The only thing I would like to mention about them, is do *not* clean them by using your torch, the ones we have at White Rabbit will not hold to the heat and crack. So collect what you can from the inside walls of the catch, then clean it with rubbing alcohol and warm water. Otherwise this has been one of my favorite buy’s while working here hands down.  Not to mention all our paraphernalia is on special all month long!

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