enemy of the state sweetwater farms

Smoking with the Caterpillar

Enemy of the State

Enemy of the State is a great new unique strain from the great folks at Sweetwater Farms. White Rabbit customers love Sweetwater and we can barely keep it on the shelves!

EOTS200X200Now that I have correctly altered my perspective, the time is at hand to sit for a while and contemplate my latest strain discovery.

Discovering Enemy of the State From Sweetwater

When Scott of Sweetwater Farms, first visited our shop to ask if he could bring samples, I quickly found myself involved in an excellent conversation about Marijuana and the importance of education regarding THC levels and how they are over emphasized. We agreed that the boat needed to be turned towards Terpenes.

After he left, I found myself anticipating the samples he would bring. A few days later he brought four nice samples and test results. When I read the tag line on Sweetwater Farms letterhead saying “It’s in the Terps” I retrieved the samples to take home for personal testing.

Sampling Enemy Of The State Strain

After work I set the samples on my nightstand and one by one, popped the tops and inhaled, being careful not to read the label. I conducted a blind smell test and repeated it several times. I found myself drawn to one in particular. An aroma reminiscent of wild strawberries growing in a forest of Tamaracks, filled my nostrils.

I ground up a nug and sucked it into my vape hose. The first toke was slightly piney with a surprisingly delicate sweet finish. In the second toke, the berry and grape flavor truly came to life. The high comes quickly, yet transforms slowly. An odd sort of creeper that levels off, easing you into an even keeled, moderately paced high without the normal Indica munchies.

Stimulating For An Indica

I find it physically stimulating for an Indica; the buzz in my head is telling me to sit in the bath with a glass of Jack on ice, yet I feel motivated to work. This is not what I would call a bedtime strain, quite contemplative with enough energy to complete tasks without bouncing off the walls. It makes me want to write. The best part is the absence of the scattered hyper-creativity that comes with some Sativas.

Although labeled Indica, personally it seems about 40 / 60 leaning towards Indica. This is serious Ganja. Aroma, taste, quality of experience, this weed has it all. If “It’s in the Terps”, it’s in our cases and this smoke gets one and a half thumbs up.

One of my favorite parts of this job is discovering hidden treasures amongst the chaos of our fledgling industry. Sweetwater Farms “Enemy of the State” is one worth trying.

Warm Regards, the Caterpillar

Enemy of the State
THC- 16.2% Terpenes- 9.2mg

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