Western Cultured dutch treat

Industry News

Dutch Treat | Food Drive | Specials

Dutch Treat is a well known sativa leaning hybrid.

Dutch Treat Hybrid

Western Cultured

Strain of the Week June 16 – 22
Classic Old School Hybrid

Dutch Treat brings many fond memories to cannabis users the world over. For one, the strain provides consistent potency. For another, the hash like taste always impresses. So, we always love when great growers like the folks at Western Cultured take on the classics.  Indeed, even better, this week it is 15% off as our strain of the week.

western cultured

Excellent Dutch Treat

Rediscover Dutch Treat if you haven’t had it in a while! The strain maintains legendary status for good reason.

June Food Drive!

Don’t forget, every day in June if you bring in an item for our food drive, then you can get 5% off your entire purchase! Pay it forward and we will make it worth your while. For less than a buck you can help someone and save a few bucks at the same time!


15% Off Rogue Raven Concentrates

Rogue Raven concentrates showcased for Caterpillar’s Choice concentrate. Rogue Raven makes some of our favorite dabs. Highly recommend!

June 17

Dab Rigs 15% OFF

Time to get a new dab rig? Want to save 15%? Of course you do so today is a good day to stop by.

June 18

15% Off Zoots Drops & Shots

Zoots Drops go perfectly into your favorite Summer beverage to add a little extra vrooom vrooom. The Zoots Shots always please.

June 19

15% OFF Mr Moxey’s Mints

Spot really made a name early on with their wonderful cannabis infused mints. Get fresher breath when you freshen up your brain. Win, win. We aren’t saying you have bad breath btw… but talk about a cure for cotton mouth!

The entire month of June get 20% off Dream City Cannabis flower! Their flower always delivers. We love their organic and sustainable fully transparent production. Of course, we thank them for helping make this possible for our fans of their buds. So grateful for companies like Dream City, no surprise they have been with us since day 1!

White Rabbit Cannabis Anniversary!

Get ready to celebrate our 4 year anniversary with us in July! Be sure to check out our specials too!

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